Derek and I are so EXCITED to share our pickled goodies with y’all!
We have extensive experience canning and numerous coveted family recipes. Derek has been pickling veggies with his family since he could reach the stove. My pickle obsession started at a very young age and grew alongside the farm.
How does the pickle club work? Well it is kind of like Christmas, You sign up to receive a box of seasonal pickled goodness (and a few extras) delivered every other month for a year! We will deliver six boxes total for the year. We offer local home or office delivery and We also SHIP!!!!
You will receive six boxes total for the year subscription. With each box, I will also provide emails, our family favorites, and ideas on how to use our products!
Like the CSA boxes, Our Pickled Boxes include an assortment of fresh seasonal pickled Luckett Farms Fruits and Veggies, honey, jams, jellies, or few spicy extras.
Just because pickling is a preservation process, does not mean you should use mature produce. Our veggies are picked a peak ripeness and pickled the same day! We “can” to give our customers the best fresh, crisp, crunchy, and delicious pickled fruits and veggies. Expand your palates and try our unique home grown varieties. Although, the boxes are not customizable we will try to accommodate your taste buds and food allergies. Once you sign up, Please fill out our customer preference survey (emailed to you) to ensure the best experience.
Majority of the products will ONLY be available to our pickle club members! As a pickle club member you will enjoy some of our most coveted goodies! Spicy and Sweet it will be such a treat. Our elite pickle club is sure to tickle your taste buds!
Each box will contain about 4-6 items, recipes, or meal ideas. The items will depending on seasonal produce and fruit!
Pickled Club is a part of our Community Supported Agriculture Program but you do not have to be a Csa member to subscribe.
Our Pickle Club is A GREAT Gift to share with the foodie in your life!!!
Thank you for supporting our Local Farm and Family.
*** Small In home canning classes will be offered in the Summer and Fall of 2021.
If you would like to book your spot please email me at ***

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